Monday, 15 November 2010

Ken Robinson - insight into creativity in education...

Great speaker. Definetly raised points of interest in relation to my MDes Project. More to come.

Till later x

Monday, 25 October 2010

Made in Scotland Flyer.

My piece modelled by a fabulous friend. The gorgeous and talented actress Rachel McCreath.

Till later x

Sunday, 24 October 2010

Made in Scotland Exhibition.

Lorraine Law, Commercial Street Dundee.
3rd-13th November 2010

Made in Scotland, an exhbition of 15 current contempary jewellers, some like myself newly graduated, others well established. I have made some more commercial pieces for this event, which will be displayed alongside my degree show collection.

Come along and have a gander!

Till later x

Tuesday, 21 September 2010

New Degree...New Blog?

Being an undergrad student seems like a long time ago now (...okay only a few months ago!), and so with the beginning of my postgraduate Master of Design-I feel its time for change.
Initially, I had considered a new blog-a new beginning, but I simply don't have the heart to get rid of 3 years worth of posts (all be it some of them awful!). So to a spring cleanout-I have got rid of some posts which weren't very relevant, and will continue to post, now as a postgraduate student.

So until my first 'proper' post as a postgrad student...

Till later x

Wednesday, 26 May 2010


Check out my website! Brand new! Designed by myself, and made by Iain Fergus of DarkFlareDesign.