Firstly, I am going to say, I don't think the photographs do my 3 final brooches justice, as the images project a very 2D result. However the multiple layers produced using the lazercutter, create a depth that a plain image just doesn't have. All 3 brooches show the same image-a scantly clad lady, staring at (or perhaps lusting after!) a man smoking a cigarette. All use both acrylic-clear,mirrored and gold, backed with silver or have silver brooch fittings.
Brooch 1 -Black and clear acrylic layered and riveted.
Brooch 2-Gold Acrylic
Brooch 3-Mirrored Acrylic and Silver riveted.
So now to get my artist statement completed!...I'll pop it up when I'm done, hopefully it'll make sense!
Till Later x
So now to get my artist statement completed!...I'll pop it up when I'm done, hopefully it'll make sense!
Till Later x
Very noice indeed lady! The gold one's my fave! x
Ooh....shades of Hitchcock! I like.
(the presence in our house of the 18-dvd Hitchcock collection has not been affecting our studies in ANY WAY....)
Let's just say I am on a strict 1000-words a day schedule. Today I managed 788 words, which I think is ok for the first day, given that I was also revising somewhat.
I have my final piece of coursework EVER for the furniture module tomorrow - the dreaded Slide Test.
RE the D of J library, I checked it online, and they don't have any of the books I need, but I've managed to find some (reliable) online sources, so I'm alright at the moment.
We must catch up at some point after Easter, before exams et al. I will let you know the day that le Sachertorte is due to be made - make sure you have the saturday free and we'll have a bottle of something and you can crash here.
Are you going home for Easter? I'm not leaving until Easter weekend and I 'm soooo homesick. I want my mummy!
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